Mentally ill woman in her late 30s. Quit my jobs with DIDDs to go to work a retail job and go to school.

I’m here to help!


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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 5th, 2024

  • Yeah. The lockpicking tools I use and want to use and can’t use is just nOrMaL bEhAvIoR u guiyzz!!

    We have ADHD. One of the hallmarks is hyperfocus. We will, several times a year, sometimes a month, hyperfocus on a “hobby” and do it every moment we’re awake and not at work or school (to the neglect of eating or bathing or sleep) and then, at random, be unable to do it anymore to the point where we can’t, even if we want to.

    This is an ADHD community. When you see us complaining about “normal” things, we simply aren’t putting in the thirty caveats that explain why this thing we’re complaining about isn’t “normal,” because we don’t have to explain ourselves to other people with our conditon.

    And there is nothing more annoying than hanging out in a safe space for your condition and having people constantly show up to try to explain that this is “normal.” It’s not. We know it’s not. There’s books about it. Studies about it. We just shouldn’t have to explain the background details of what makes this abnormal every goddamn time!

  • After extensive reading there isn’t any real answer for this question. Studies into why men or women choose specific methods are scarce. Speaking from personal experience, I chose poisoning because I didn’t want to leave a massive bloody mess behind for someone to have to clean up.

    One study (with a small sample size) that asked men who survived an attempted suicide using a firearm showed that many of them answers they picked the gun because it was available.

    Of two of the men I’ve known who committed suicide, one used a gun (behind his house and was found by two neighbor children playing, just awful) and the other hanged himself.

    I think we need to do more research into why before making a definitive claim.

  • flicker@lemmy.worldtoComics@lemmy.mlPull over
    1 day ago

    I dunno. I’m a woman and I didn’t notice the skin-tight thing until it was pointed out, but looking back at it, wouldn’t any clothes do that at 90 mph?

    ACAB but it doesn’t look horny to me. She’s just woman-shaped to me.

  • The problem I had with this is that it’s an apathy that he himself had until recently, and now he’s a smug prick hating on his wife for not being cool enough to break the law like he does.

    He never tells her what he’s doing. He believes he can’t. So instead of trying to communicate, and dealing with the fallout of a difficult discussion, he just judges her for being who he was.

    It’s still a dick move no matter how it’s justified!

  • I always hated the obvious disdain with which the author treats a woman doing a teleplay in her own home.

    Acting is a skill, and recreation has value. If a person sitting in their own living room doing VR episodes of TV where they play a part, that doesn’t make them vapid or foolish or represent an unwise use of their time.

    I have watched movies that have had an equal lack of need of my input that still managed to make me think and feel you condescending prick! And I have read books with which I’ve had infinitely less intellectual involvement than a woman pretending to be a character in a soap opera! Take your elitist victimization fetish and shove it up your ass!

    …sorry, I actually love parts of Fahrenheit 451. But I’ve been angry about this for years. The “hero” of the story denigrating his own wife because of how he views her hobby? Because in his mind, it isn’t as intellectually stimulating as his new, illegal hobby? What an asshole.