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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 23rd, 2024


  • I am familiar with the concept, I find it ridiculous to assume that the default is that foreign people would not follow the law.

    I don’t agree with you that „we must be able to choose“ because I don’t believe it is our achievement that we were born here and we have contributed nothing to how things are in Europe.

    The thing that has contributed most to how rich Europe is is colonial exploitation of the global south. As of now our European borders are a deeply racist construct aimed at keeping the consequences of hundred of years of exploitation away from us, and don’t get me started with climate change.

    Just because fascism has become popular in Europe again, there’s no need to parrot their brainrot uncritically. I am very worried about the future of Europe due to the rise of fascism. I believe if we continue going down this route we will become economically irrelevant, all humanitarian aspects left aside.

    Business and qualified people go rather somewhere stable and predictable than to Germany or France where a new Nazi Reich is a possibility. Europeans are just still too stuck in their colonial mindset to realize that. If you don’t believe me then just look over to the UK, this could be us.

  • And here’s why Germany is ranked among the worst countries for expats. You desperately need people. Both the dirty work like cleaning and blue collar work and high skilled jobs that most Germans aren’t qualified enough for, mainly in tech.

    You still treat the Indian, Turkish, Vietnamese immigrant like they’re here to make your food and the Eastern European immigrant like they’re gonna steal your bike if they’re not alcoholics. Yet these are nowadays the people that pay the highest taxes in Germany and other countries with a tech sector.

    Who’s gonna pay for your retirement? Who’s gonna take care of you when you’re old and your family dumps you at a nursing home? Germany is still doing well but SMEs aren’t as relevant as building software products, the 80s are over. This attitude is already hurting Germany and it’s only getting worse. Not gonna be my problem but people like you really need a reality check.

  • Look I don’t think it’s a productive way to come to some kind of agreement to ignore your statements, I just felt like you started out kinda strongly saying that it would be something specific to Israel that they should stop existing because they committed genocide.

    I recently listened to a talk by Ilan Pappé and what he said was both scary and very logical. Israel can only exist as a Jewish supremacist state. They want all of Palestine without Palestinians. They tried everything they could with Gaza, expelling people, „giving“ it to Egypt, establishing settlements, making it an open air prison. Nothing has worked to get rid of Palestinians, so this genocide is happening because they’re out of ideas.

    And I think any state that acts like that or can only exist like that should not exist, period. What about the Israelis? They have a right to exist because they’re humans, but they would have to live in a democratic state (as opposed to the apartheid state they’re currently living in) and there would have to be equal rights for everyone.

    Not that Palestinians are a cultural monolith but that would make them the majority of the population and that would also mean that Jewish Israelis would lose both power and privilege, something they would never accept. So the solution exists and it can exist without anyone being genocided but such a state would not be Israel anymore, for me that’s okay but for Zionists that’s impossible.

    Hope you understand now where I’m getting at.

  • Yeah I’m just really confused by how you’re at the same time able to oppose colonialism as a concept but also not willing to acknowledge that whatever happened to other people is happening in the exact same way to Palestinians. Explicitly Palestinians being colonized by the Zionists. If it was wrong in Africa, in the Americas, in Australia, it’s wrong in Palestine too.

    Colonies can never exist without oppression, dispossession and dehumanization of the colonized, and consequently a feeling of superiority, otherwise the whole thing won’t work.

    It doesn’t matter at all that Israel is a Jewish state. It is a settler colonial state and settler colonial states should not exist per se.

  • Found the hasbara bot. Just for the record states have no eight to exist. This concept doesn’t exist.

    Let’s assume for a second though that states would have such a right. When Nazi Germany committed genocide, hell yeah people said that state shouldn’t exist and they were right to say so. Apartheid South Africa, that state also shouldn’t have existed in the first place.

    To spin this further, the settler colonial states that got established through genocide on the indigenous population, e.g. the USA, Canada and Australia should have never existed in the first place. It’s not so difficult.

    Hence, why should I agree to an anyway non existing right for a settler colonial state to exist that can only keep existing through genociding the indigenous population and otherwise keeping it under an apartheid regime.