• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • It’s what you deploy to your users if you want to work around ad blockers and browser extensions. It’s a great tool to get operating system level access to exfiltrate information about your users and identify them uniquely, even if they would prefer that not to happen.

    All that with the help of Google’s telemetry engine aka Chrome, which further helps Alphabet to manifest their interpretation of web standards in the world.

    We worked to move things onto the web. Now people bring the web back to your desktop with every application bringing it’s own browser shell. We have come full circle and we’re now using 10x the resources.

    Electron is the prime example of everything that is wrong in IT.

  • Gibt bei rechtem Gedankengut nix anderes als laut dagegen zu protestieren. Ich würde solche Aussagen nie unkommentiert lassen.

    Wenn es deinen Arbeitgeber nicht stört, dass rechtes Gedankengut in seinem Betrieb Raum findet, dann musst du da weg. Ich kann mir persönlich gar nicht vorstellen, dass ein Kollege solche Aussagen während der Arbeit treffen würde. Mit unserer Unternehmenskultur wäre das unvereinbar und würde zu sofortiger Abmahnung führen.

    Immer dagegen halten. Die Leute müssen den Gegenwind spüren, sonst wird es nur schlimmer.

  • They wasted millions on the development of an app that is a trivial joke and they still needed several cycles to reach stability. Hetzner+Nextcloud is a cute toy, but has nothing to do with actual cloud infrastructure. 1B is a joke investment when your competitors are Amazon and Microsoft. This money is going to be wasted entirely and there will be zero useful products coming out of it. Exactly like the COVID app