grandepequeno [he/him]

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • The only phase I’d take out or rephrase is the “far right drives economy off a cliff”, like, I’m pretty sure you can’t say meloni is any more of a neoliberal than draghi before her, and she’s just continuing to carry out his and the EU’s economic plan anyways, and regarding Poland from what I understand the period where PiS was in power was noticeably better economically than the centrist liberals before them just because they weren’t as committed to neoliberalism, to the point that a lot of poles reluctance to vote the liberals back despite PiS’s rollback of LGBT rights and, in EU-speak, “democratic backsliding” was that the liberals would take away a subsidy system that PiS implemented that helped a lot of people.

  • More of a german/french phenomenon than broadly european (though maybe france and germany are the only countries that really matter honestly), in most EU countries the further right wing parties are also pro-war, and here in portugal where the communist party has been consistently anti-war, moreso than dem soc Left Block, including opposing arms shipments to ukraine even, we just get consistently attacked and mischaracterized in the media and I can’t say we’ve made electoral gains from taking a principled anti-nato position, maybe we will in the long run but not yet, it has definitely cost us votes.

    Public opinion on the war hasn’t soured that much here (fucking portuguese provincialism wanting to be “close to europe”), and even where it has a lot of people are still unwilling to go along with us when we call for something like a political solution.

  • These IMT guys are pretty annoying and mostly useless where I live (Portugal) but hopefully they’re better elsewhere. The idea of trots in every country having 1 party to pool around instead of several isn’t terrible if they try not to, in practice, carry water for imperialism

    “The RCP is not a national organization. We are first and foremost members of the Revolutionary Communist International (RCI)—of which we are merely the Canadian section.”

    This kind of semantics is pretty cringe though, you’re a national canadian political party, you’re just a part of an international alliance, just say it