Looks like a cool anime character
Looks like a cool anime character
Cmon Biden, force them to fully pivot to China!
Imo it’s going to happen
I still have hope for a secret Stalin card in the new popular front’s hand that would play but honestly that would be an absolute miracle
Problem is, the Popular Front has a big chunck that belongs to the “Socialist Party” which traumatized everyone by winning the 2014 presidency and :
You can imagine how thin the ice is for this alliance
Ah oui, dit comme ça je comprends mieux ton point vue
Maintenant que l’extrême droite en a fait un marche-pied, il vaut mieux qu’il se mette en retrait.
Honnêtement je pense qu’on a tendance à se faire gaslight avec l’idée que le but de la gauche c’est de prendre les voies de l’extrême droite. Les racistes vont voter pour le parti du racisme, et il y a plein de racistes en France. On devrait pas écouter ces gens
C’est ça la vrai question. Mais là dans l’article on se doute bien que sur les marchés de Picardie où visiblement ils ont tous votés RN c’est pas majoritairement des gens de gauche qui venaient se plaindre de lui à Ruffin
D’un côté, il y avait la force d’attraction du RN : en face de moi, le candidat, c’était Jordan Bardella. Pour bien des gens, Marine Le Pen et lui incarnent le changement. Et, de l’autre côté, une force de répulsion. Pendant trois semaines, nous avons porté notre croix, un sac à dos rempli de pierres, on s’est heurtés à un mur, à un nom : « Mélenchon, Mélenchon, Mélenchon. »
Donc le problème avec Mélenchon c’est que les racistes ne l’aiment pas? Quoiqu’on pense de lui ça me semble pas être la critique la plus pertinente à lui faire
Fact is, straight people are boring as fuck.
Well I’d prefer them to stay boring because straight pride would mean celebrating being the dominant, non-oppressed group which is a core facet of fascism
Actually he only got further left by growing older. He learnt about Islamophobia, transphobia, anti-colonialism and integrated everything to his political line. He was at the big tent succdem party at some point and now his party is treated like an existential threat by the French bourgeoisie
That’s true, we’re mostly big time opportunists on international matter. Let’s hope we at least keep it that way so we can pivot out of US influence.
The idea of changing the constitution is one of the things that gives credible hope. However I’m not totally confident in our ability to not be toppled like Gaddafi or Allende if that happens
So, what does this mean for future legislation in France?
The big question is whether or not Macron is going to uphold the tradition of naming a prime minister elected by the majority faction of the National Assembly. If he does so maybe France will have some social democracy as a treat and recognise the state of Palestine if we’re lucky.
He could also not give a fuck as far as I know, French president is a de-jure dictator in the fifth republic’s constitution.
He could also resign which would be… funny I guess?
Or the Presidential race once Macron’s term is up?
Too soon to know about that. Mélenchon could come back or not, if he doesn’t nobody knows who would run for LFI. The next mainstream neolib too is unknown. The only certain thing is that we have our Party For Racism that will probably be a threat as usual
Yeah sad AF
I respect Mélenchon mostly for being decent on China, Russia and Palestine, which is what’s most controversial about him. Strategically it makes sense to throw geopolitics under the bus so the pink imperialists would go along, but it’s sad nonetheless
I want to say, I’m French and this is reassuring. Sure it’s not a massive victory for the left, because New Popular Front is full of succdems, but it’s actually a massive defeat for the far right and the media who support them. It’s cool that their demonizing of the only truly anti-racist party (LFI) didn’t work. It’s also a small defeat for the neolibs who are just in the low phase of their cycle of holding power.
We’ll see if fuckhead president will choose to take full power and rule alone or take a succdem imperialist prime minister and continue business as usual
Oh wow I got it recommended yesterday, I guess they must’ve paid Google to push their channel
You guys learnt about masturbation on the internet???
You’re part of the problem if you solely focus on improving conditions only in rich countries
Too bad lemmy’s search function is broken we had a lot of discussion about it in the past
J’ai manqué de nuance, c’est vrai que cet amalgame existe, mais déjà il existe surtout chez les crypto-droitistes comme Soral, et tout ça n’empêche pas que
les résultats du baromètre tendent à montrer que les opinions antisémites restent largement structurées par les vieux stéréotypes parmi l’ensemble des sondés
Ça veut bien dire ce que ça veut dire, l’idée que désormais c’est la gauche les vrais antisémites alors que le RN est désormais clean c’est ahurissant
Après j’avoue j’y vais fort quand j’accuse le journal d’être complaisant avec cette idée, je comprends qu’on ne partage pas ce sentiment
Least reckless Ukraine move