I’ve heard about this before, this is unbelivebly uncompetitive! Sounds like something the Consumer Affairs should look at.
I’ve heard about this before, this is unbelivebly uncompetitive! Sounds like something the Consumer Affairs should look at.
Can’t build wealth when half or more of the income goes towards rent or that 6% 1million mortgage.
Wealth disparity increasing, cost of housing increasing, GDP/capita decreasing, productivity decreasing. This is not the “The Great Reset” that I was envisioning after COVID19. I was dubious of course, but I really thought there’s a chance of more progressive policies. But instead we just have the feds subsidizing electric vehicles tech.
Sounds like you need to write for The Beaverton.
There was plenty of money invested into wars and oil extraction. C’mon!
Anybody excited about the new simulator?
Gotta say that when Mike says modern UI, I’m not that impressed. Feels like us electrical guys always get some of the worst CAD/sim UI designs compared to mech, civil etc. With few exceptions like Altium which imo has a great modern UI.
The federal government manded in their recent budget that banks do whatever they can to keep people from defaulting.
I fully agree with you and it’s encouraging to see things like “Alberta Is calling” campaign. But, I wish the federal goverment would be more involved in spreading the immigrants around our vast land. It feels like all they do is set targets and “job done”…
Land ain’t cheap where most of the immigrants end up going. Canada still offers a better quality of life but that will dimminish over time if housing issue is not addressed.
The sheep must be from Boston
What’s more concerning is that the goverment fails to realize that expensive housing is killing the economy.
Forget about the fact a huge chunk of money is going into an unproductive asset. Young people and immigrants who can’t afford housing are gonna start looking elsewhere (US for example).
Who’s gonna pay taxes to sustain the older folks in their empty million dollars SFH??
They look like legit reddit posts too. Makes me all confused and then spend too much of my attention span on them.
Also, they assume that employers will be happy to reduce the hours worked while keeping the same wages. That’d be wonderful but unrealistic.