• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’m not sure what you’re trying to say, exactly. People homeschool for a variety of reasons; sometimes that is to have more control over the learning schedule or to have more control over the level of stimulation a child receives. Most of these seem like responses to an emergent circumstance rather than a wholesale rejection of a system of learning.

    That seems like an unnecessary distinction though, since I already specified that this is about controlling what children can learn, not how or when.

    My parents didn’t homeschool me to accommodate a strange schedule or to ease any kind of social anxiety I had. They homeschooled me to prevent me from encountering anything that would challenge the idea that the God literally made the earth in 7 days six thousand years ago and that the Bible was the literal and perfect word of God.

    Seems like a different conversation entirely.

  • In an election that is bound to be contested in the courts (“in the courts” here being an absolute best-case aspirational umbrella statement covering any form that dispute will likely take, including violence in the streets) for some time, it’s actually really not the worst thing at all for someone being parked in the Whitehouse who is not directly involved in said dispute.