Considering the History of Windwows stealing KDE Features/ Designs i bet the KDE Color Picker was there first 😜
En uufrechte schwiizer Füdlibürger uf Reddit. Jungschileiter mit Liib und Seel ⚓, interessiert sich für Technologie und Open Source.
Considering the History of Windwows stealing KDE Features/ Designs i bet the KDE Color Picker was there first 😜
This. Sometimes i want to reopen the last closed tabs. And generally, i use the mouse to do most things, i’m not used to most shortcuts.
I often want to reopen a tab i recently closed, so this is very handy for me.
On the fly rule-based Spelling check. Works very good and in many languages. And the best: It’s Open Source.
Uses the Firefox Tab-Container Fwature, to lock those companies in Tab-Groups just with themselves. I don’t use Tab-Groups aside of that, so it comes in handy.
Firefox Translate
(Not really an extention, but still nice) Firefox Gnome Theme, for my personal machines and Firefox UI Fix for the machines at work to make Firefox look more at home on Linux and Windows.
Problem are extra funtionalities. I have a MX Mastee 3. Works perfectly on Linux, but is has a additional Button for the Thumb. Can’t be configured on Linux officially. There’s a third party script called Logiops. It sometimes work, but it’s not relieable either…
Entire Comment Section discussing the weird comment of @over_clox instead of OPs Question lmao.