I don’t think Canada should be basing their defense decisions on the opinion and thin skin of the American government. Trying to force Canada, in any way, to purchase F35’s is fishy - not that that’s happening, of course.
Canada’s interests are for Canada. Not them. Also, maybe Canada should reboot their ventures into the Avro Arrow program again. That’ll ruffle some feathers. Canadian engineered military = quite formidable, I think.
I guess what I was trying to get at was that it was at one point and that we could if we wanted to become that again. I wasn’t saying our current military is anywhere near the U.S military in any way, shape or form. I understand, quite clearly, just how out matched we are.
I was only putting forward the idea (which I agree with you, on) that we should absolutely rearm and become independent of their technology. We supply them the critical materials for their military. They need it. Maybe we should rethink that (not a popular idea, though).