• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Hmm, you’re making a good point and introducing two new not-yet-considered elements.

    1. Wolverine is only 5’3" (160cm) tall. Was he originally taller, but had a body destroying even, that only 80% of him was able to grow back rendering him shorter than he was before.

    2. Wolverine is Canadian. So neither the USA or Oz money rules apply, but instead Canadian rules. What those are, I do not now.

  • It’s probably more likely that HR is keeping HR busy, because what else are they supposed to do when the company isn’t hiring?

    I’m not in HR. In my experience there is good HR departments and bad HR departments. In both they were extremely busy all the time. There is a mountain of work HR does that has nothing to do with hiring and firing. Managing employee benefits, compliance with government regulations regarding workplace access, complex rules for reporting, tracking worker complaints and performance improvement plans for workers not meeting expectations.

  • I can think of one valid use case for this unsolved by any other solution:

    Lets say a company has an SoC board base product currently currently base on ARM. They want to eventually migrate to RISC-V based solution.

    If a company has a product currently written to use ARM compiled code, but wants to transition to RISC-V (which isn’t ready yet), they could deploy this board which could run today’s ARM implementation, and it would be future-ready when the RISC-V implementation would be released without having to replace hardware.

  • I think people will read this and come away thinking the IDF operating in Gaza is specifically targeting only journalists. I’m not sure I’d say the same thing.

    It looks like the IDF operating in Gaza is targeting everyone, including itself, the IDF.

    “According to the IDF, as of May 2024, 49 of the 278 Israeli soldiers killed during the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip were killed by friendly fire and in other accidents.[1]” source

    So about 18% of IDF deaths in Gaza are killed by other IDF. If anyone is questioning that data its collected by the IDF and reported in an Israeli newspaper.

    The IDF apparently shoots anything that moves, and that can include Hamas fighters, women, children, the elderly, aid workers from the USA, Palestinians, Britons, and yes journalists.

  • There was some social commentary in that golden casino planet where the rich lived in excess while the poor barely got by (pay no attention to the Jabba behind the curtain)

    Good world building, but it did nothing to move the story forward. The entire casino planet could have been cut and the story would be unchanged without any social or story impacts.

    If they were going for social commentary, they could have set it up to find out that rebel weapons like the X-wing fighters and whatever macguffin they needed so save the main plot line were built by slave labor.

    Semi-evil procurement character: “Yeah, I understand what you need. I can have it built in a day. Its an extremely toxic manufacturing process and because I’m not set up for that work, 20 or 30 slaves will die but thats no problem. Yeah, I can get it for you in the day you need it.”

    They would have had to make a choice between save the slaves or getting the macguffin. They could have still chosen to not come away with the macguffin because they chose to save the slave labor and at least that would have given purpose to the whole distraction of that storyline.

    And, of course, they cast minorities in leading roles!

    I liked that part. John Boyega, among others, was a great actor. Kelly Marie Tran did as best she could with the bad writing.

  • How did PCs beat out the Amiga, Mac and ST with nonsense like that?

    I think you can ultimately blame Compaq. It was the first “pc clone” that showed the market that a PC not from expensive IBM was viable. After that even if you weren’t buying a Compaq your own generic clone was “good enough”. So You could access hardware and software built for a $4000 8088 IBM PC with your $1200 clone.

    Amiga never was commodity hardware. It was always expensive. It didn’t get cheap enough fast enough. Amiga 500 came too late.

  • Just because a Ford truck weighs a lot doesn’t mean we shouldn’t address EV tire wear.

    I agree. However, this started with a highlighting of EV tire pollution. Arguably mainstream EVs entered production in 2012. F-150 and other trucks of equal or more weight have been on the road since about the late 1970s. Why is it this is an EV tire pollution discussion only?

    Do a lot of people own trucks that shouldn’t because they don’t use them as trucks? Yes.

    We agree.

    I’d argue that’s a completely different argument.

    How so? Are you arguing that a truck that weighs the same the produces equal tire pollution is okay, but an EV that weighs the same with equal tire pollution isn’t okay?

    This isn’t an EV only issue, but it is highlighted for EVs because they go through tires faster than equivalent sized (not weight) vehicles.

    Isn’t this following the same flawed logic that trucks shouldn’t have to get high MPG efficiency because they are trucks, while ICE cars are held to higher efficiency standards? Your logic seems to suggest we could solve this EV tire pollution problem by simply eliminating EV cars and only driving EV trucks because then they’d get a pass on tire pollution like current ICE trucks do.

    In the end I would hope all vehicles would be equipped with tires that don’t kill aquatic life!

    I agree, but your other statements prior seem to give a pass to ICE (or EV trucks).