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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 8th, 2024


  • This might be a bad place (i.e. post, the community is correct), but looking at the void has got me interested so I wanted to ask: What are the main advantages of using runit compared to systemd? Like I don’t want to know all the differences (of which there are apparently many since people complain about systemd being too “bloated”/spread out over different systems?)

    Also in all the “typical” discussion on systemd vs runit plenty of people talked about serious problems with runit and sometimes said something or other about process security? Is that substantiated in any way (as in “yeah technically during the boot process runit could be vulnerable to X if executing an unsafe script while systemd can’t do that because it does Y instead” or is it more like “yeah no, people just claim X when it’s not really possible or systemd also has the same problem, they just don’t talk about it”?)

    (Hopefully this doesn’t turn into yet another thread about people bashing each other over this choice since that usually leads to no information being really trustworthy unless one wades through tons of long posts external to the thread…)

  • reinei@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzZero to hero
    2 months ago

    Actually “whole numbers” (at least if translated literally into German) exist outside America! However, they most absolutely (aka are defined to) contain 0. Because in Germany “whole numbers” are all negative, positive and neutral (aka 0) numbers with only an integer part (aka -N u {0} u N [no that extra 0 is not because N doesn’t contain it but just because this definition works regardless of wether you yourself count it as part of N or not]).

  • reinei@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzAnthropology
    2 months ago

    Not a Czech but now that you mentioned it I want this here too!

    I mean have you tried counting from either end using all your fingers i.e. thumb == 1? That dexterous shit is hard so making a single index finger two instantly makes it nice and smooth!

    (Instant edit: this obviously only holds if index finger+ middle finger counts as 3, otherwise there really only seems to be an advantage in calling out 2 and my argument collapses)