robinnist [he/him]

“the oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class shall represent and repress them!”

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Joined 23 days ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2024


  • Umm, wow, okay friend, these completely correct statements are actually RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA (they make Ukraine look bad). Amazing bit. Yes, not putting out public statements in favor of Israel’s genocidal campaign would really hurt their war effort against Russia. Nor could Ukraine afford to stamp out all of the Nazism in their country (they actually let it rise to new heights after Euromaidan, when Russian influence had supposedly been weakened) or end their ethnic cleansing campaign in the Donbas or else that would take attention away from the invasion that wouldn’t start for eight years.

    Calling the Russian army genocidal is actually beyond absurd. Why do you think Russia invaded Ukraine? Because “Putler wanted to conquer Europe”? The liberal worldview has absolutely zero explanatory power.

  • You’re right, Ukraine can openly venerate Nazis while targeting Russian speakers and Roma people and Israel can massacre Palestinians at the same time!

    It’s not that two things are happening at the same time you idiot, it’s Zelensky’s attitude towards what Israel is doing at the same time (this is what the comment above expressly states). “Israel has a right to defend itself” is the vapid nonsense numerous Western powers have said to justify Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people after their revolt against colonial occupation (which is condemned as “terrorism”), along with the “Israeli civilians” drivel and the refusal to recognize Israel’s part in killing their own people on the 7th—these are the same things Zelensky has said [1] [2].

  • How exactly were the Jedi in the wrong in any regard? At most, we could say, their advised non-interference is the issue, which translates back to the fall of the Jedi being due to their transformation into Republic soldiers who put keeping their political standing over all else, which the show incorrectly and lazily flips in the direction of “predicting” their fall due to their “good intentioned” interference.

    One could call the whitewashing of the cult that mind-SA’s teenagers (which “we” could justify by pointing to the Jedi’s “invasion” of the cult’s land and their “lethal enforcement of policies” to the point of refusing to fight back when being attacked and only killing when the life of the children they’re trying to protect is being put in danger) and abuses its own children in numerous ways incorrect, but we can be assured that the show puts things right when the traumatized mind-SA victim lets his walls down and drinks poison after being egged on to commit suicide by the righteously angry child of the good cult due to his guilt over too quickly going in to the mind-SA cult’s sovereign borders and “forcing” them to destroy themselves.

    Ah but the Jedi did take the cult’s children (in a bit of cult infighting), in one sense, albeit only temporarily to be tested with the consent of the cult and this in the first place being triggered by the request of one of the children.

    This truly evil show (as though it may be) did not make the Jedi adequately villainous in this regard, and justified their actions with such nonsense as “one of the children we were trying to protect was being turned into dust before our eyes”, or “the traumatized teenage mind-SA victim was simply eager to enter the noble enclave of the child abusing club and be done with it all.” Truly a tragedy at both ends.