• 7 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 29th, 2024


  • It also seems you didn’t/can’t read the article in your first link

    What the one about the “horrors” of socialism? If there are any horrors of socialism, its that it allowed capitalism to exist. Everything the US condemns “socialist and communist” countries of is usually just a projection of its own bullshit.

    You’re very good at ranting and criticizing democrats while ignoring 80% of what I respond with.

    I’m not sure which parts i didn’t respond to, can you clarify? otherwise stop moving the goalposts

    WOW, really? Well let’s just “both sides!!” it and discourage Biden voters so we can get Danald Tramp elected anyway

    I encourage people to vote for whoever they want. If they can vote uncommitted on a primary to show they dont support him thats amazing and will not risk the election to trump as y’all like to keep screaming

  • shoppingrat@lemmy.worldOPtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldCommit to ceasefire
    7 months ago

    100,000 people in michigan is just a bunch of kids whining and pouting on the internet? good try at badjacketing though.

    and its not stopping. in washington the UFCW 3000 are endorsing uncommitted in the primary. so working class union members are whiny pouty children? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/washington-s-largest-labor-union-endorses-uncommitted-primary-vote-in-rebuke-to-biden/ar-BB1jaQPE I’ll save you a click:

    The union’s executive board reached the endorsement decision on Wednesday night.

    “Currently, many voters, and UFCW 3000 executive board, feel that the best path to have the best nominee, and to defeat Trump, is to vote ‘uncommitted,’” the union said in a statement. “The hope is that this will strengthen the Democratic party’s ultimate nominee to defeat Trump in the General Election in November.”

    “We need a nominee who can run and beat Trump to protect workers across this country and around the world,” the statement continued.

    With over 50,000 members, the union is a force to be reckoned with as Biden seeks to win over voters in the primary contest.

    The president is facing an uphill battle as he seeks to mobilize the broad coalition of Americans who delivered his 2020 White House win. His continued supply of weapons and diplomatic cover for Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza is one of the major sticking points for young voters and voters of color.

    Just this week, more than 100,000 Michigan primary voters cast their ballots “uncommitted” in solidarity with Gazans under siege after a three-week campaign. Biden won the swing state by just over 150,000 votes in 2020.

    “We stand in solidarity with our partners in Michigan who sent a clear message in their primary that Biden must do more to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Biden must push for a lasting ceasefire and ending US funding toward this reckless war,” the Washington union said.

  • If you understood basic economics you would see that this is a tactical approach to getting our elected leaders to do what needs to be done. I have something they want/need. They have the power to affect change the way that me and a lot of other people want. Its called bargaining. If they want what we have, our consent, then they have to earn it. Don’t they like to call this country a meritocracy? We know they won’t keep their promises after they get our vote. they don’t need us after that so why would I so easily give up the only bargaining chip I have when there is no sign they will perform

  • yea means i wouldn’t be able to vote anyway cause i wouldn’t have a permanent address. personally i rent so i do have an address but yelling at disenfranchised citizens that they are bad because they didn’t vote is such a dem thing to do. why don’t they house them instead of cast them off as a non-important demographic? i know thats off topic but if i did live in a cardboard box like you suggested, then i wouldn’t be able to vote anyway.

  • Democrats support a social safety net. Republicans fight against EVERY form of social(ist) support with legislation and propaganda. Let’s list the states which denied accepting federal funds to expand Medicaid… hmm… and no, it has nothing at all to do with “disabled, queer, non-white, neurodivergent or an intersection of those things” as they specifically help those people. As noted, we are comparing them to fucking republicans. What you’re saying makes almost no sense at all. Are you confusing Democrats with Republicans?

    If Democrats are so supporting of social(ist) programs, why did 106 of them vote YEA in a resolution denouncing socialism and deeming US as capitalist country first and foremost? https://nebraskaexaminer.com/2023/02/02/u-s-house-agrees-on-something-lawmakers-condemn-the-horrors-of-socialism/ https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2023106?Page=2

    If democrats care so much about marginialized peoples, why are they not donating to these peoples gofundmes? Or responding to their calls for mutual aid? Because it cuts into the neoliberal commodification and privitization of public assistance.

    “This “neo-liberalization of social services” transformed charity into an industry where professionalism, maintaining tax-exempt status, and uplifting the needs of corporate donors and capitalist foundations fueled the work. Now, the nonprofit system encourages social movements to follow capitalist models, is monitored and influenced by state and corporate entities, and is generally focused on employing educated workers to the helping profession rather than mass activist organizing.11 Conversely, mutual aid organizers are attuned to the needs of the collective over any other stakeholder, and the lines between those offering and receiving assistance are blurred.”


    Democrats are closer in class and ethics to republicans than they are to the working class. They are all friends and colleagues of each other, not sworn mortal enemies like they portray.

    Its hard to differentiate Dems from Repubs since they both seem to want the working class to dissolve.

    Tell me how Trump being elected will help the Palestinian cause.

    Nobody thinks that.

    Democrats gave a cushy border deal to Republicans knowing they’d refuse it over electoral concerns and guess what, they did. Again: either a Democrat or Republican will be elected for each seat available in the upcoming elections. How will a Republican taking office help migrants?

    the link referring to the border issue is talking about biden concocting a trump era border policy in executive order style, so not about the deal he tried to make with repubs. the dems don’t want more people crossing the border either.

    biden cant unilaterally solve the problems of the the US but he can stop weapons and money going to a genocide.

    EDIT: adding citations as to why biden is not that labor friendly:



  • what dog whistles? i used factually accurate information. that 260 bil is fact. it is fact that israelis are zionists, they literally call themselves that. israel is a terror state much like the US is a terror state and always has. always will be.

    By the way, all this colonialism talk always irks me most cause Americans glassed and colonized my country and continue to colonize and own it, yet they feel they’re qualified to criticize others on the subject. My people were murdered, used and made out to be the enemy and we never got so much as an apology, before you guys moved on and are moralizing over there now.

    so you don’t want people within the imperial core to protest against the imperial core and its colonial, genocidal policies?? all your paragraph above tells me is i should be protesting against both parties more. i can personally apologize for the US actions but it wouldn’t really do much. there are a lot of reparations that need to be paid by the US and that is what we are trying to do. you can’t force democrats to do jack shit unless they feel they will lose their power.

    Extract yourself from my Nation first before you call out others

    i would if i personally could. and that is something that i advocate for. and i’m not calling out other nations that are occupied by US military/capital. i’m calling out my country and israel for conducting an ethnic cleansing.

  • shoppingrat@lemmy.worldOPtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldCommit to ceasefire
    7 months ago

    where the country’s money goes is a domestic issue. so far we have given israel over $260 billion dollars for the zionist colonial project. all that money could have been used to prevent the ageing infrastructure that is plagueing the US from crumbling. no instead we give it to a terror state to destroy someone else’s infrastructure