someone [comrade/them, they/them]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 11th, 2024


  • If I were to win the lottery, I’d buy a locally-popular golf course and immediately convert the club house into a soup kitchen and no-pay community space, and let the grounds mostly return to nature. Maybe do a lot of tree planting. I’d keep some nice walking paths and a few big clearings for events like modest-size music festivals or just general casual park stuff. And some skateparks. And I’d put in multiple new mini-golf courses within eyeshot of as many surrounding houses as I can because I love mini-golf.

    Longer term, I’d settle in for the legal fights from supremely pissed-off people in the surrounding community because they would be bound to be epic.

    Update: oh, and basketball courts! Can’t believe I forgot those.

  • I’m wondering if there should be a guideline about this on this comm at the very least, and maybe on hexbear in general. Some sort of requirement for a minimal description or commentary. Maybe timestamps for excessively long videos so that people can skip to the relevant part.

    I don’t want to name names, I’m not interested in drama. But there’s an awful lot posting of videos by a few very specific people who just use the original video’s title and never provide context in text form.

  • Yellowing and burn-in. Not temporary image retention, but actual real genuine burn-in (well, burn-out, but it amounts to the same thing - just unusable black pixels instead of unusable white ones). The technology is fundamentally flawed. Don’t trust the tech reviewers who claim it’s a solved problem, because it’s not, and will never be. All the display manufacturers can do is hacky workarounds to slightly delay the inevitable. IPS displays like on the lowest-end Steam Deck and the original Switch and Switch Lite may not have the deep black levels of OLED, but the technology is immune to OLED-style burn-in and yellowing. Of course from the phone manufacturers’ perspective this means OLED is better than IPS because it’s one more reason to encourage people to buy new phones more frequently.

    Anecdotally, OLED also gives maybe 5-10% of the population headaches to varying degrees due to the use of something called “pulse width modulation” (or PWM) to control the pixels. I’m not one of them fortunately but I do have several relatives and friends who straight-up cannot use OLED Apple or Samsung or Google phones (which is almost all the phones they make) because they get headaches within minutes of using those screens. Those three manufacturers also supply most of the phones available on contract from Canadian mobile carriers. Many times I’ve had someone I know call me while almost in tears about how their expensive new phone gives them a headache and they can’t return it because it’s leased through a carrier, they’re locked into a contract, and the carrier refuses to make a swap.

  • Prescribed languages are so boring. English is a glorious chaotic fun practical mutt of a language. It’s a language that gleefully creates, adopts, adapts, mutates, and discards words and grammar and spelling and sentence structure to fit the speaker/writer’s needs. A language whose most-loved authors tend to be the ones who break grammatical rules on a whim. A language whose most revered poet, the Bard himself, damn near invented half the modern English lexicon. (It’s my firm belief that Shakespeare would have loved modern rap music. It’s right up his alley, it’s his kind of word play.)

    How the hell such a fun and flexible language came from class-obsessed tradition-obsessed bureaucracy-obsessed England of all countries is the real mystery.

  • It was basically the same for me. Very late bi-bloomer due to adolescence in the incredibly homophobic 1990s. As you say, the word bisexuality was just not said in popular culture. I liked girls, therefore I was straight, right?

    But the signs were there. How many 12-year-old boys have “Rocky Horror Picture Show” as their favourite movie? I wasn’t obsessing over Brad because I thought he was hot, I just admired him for becoming adventurous. I didn’t do everything I could to get out of gym classes for high school because I was afraid of going into a panic in a locker room full of cute boys not wearing much, I was just not interested in sports.

    I was very good at rationalizations.

    Well, better late than never! Covid taught me to not put things off. I’m making up for lost time now. Not in a slutty way, but definitely in a more adventurous way.