spectre [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2020


  • What’s nice about Italki is you can easily change it up. Might be best to start there with a few different people till you find someone you click with.

    Also I’ve taken a lot of language tutoring online, and if you have a reasonable audio/video setup (I work from home so it was already there for me) you’re good to go.

    Could be good to start out with some guy in LA who learned your target language until you get conversational, and then switch to native speaking teacher(s) to build your skills from there.

  • Valid criticisms tbh (I even could say the same as a day 0 account lol)

    Moderation isn’t going to “improve” because they generally are fine with everyone being goofballs, so I wouldn’t expect that.

    Some people have the cascade of shitposting and useless emojis coming with their crappy views, but I don’t think our instance is great at propaganda or ROE, which is unfortunate. Would love to see what we could do with a little discipline.

    Also the emojis on every other instance and all mobile apps look more obnoxious because they don’t downscale to their intended resolution.

  • All OSes have vulnerabilities, and the thing is MS Defender is a working solution that prevents many attacks. Microsoft also has to provide some nominal support to enterprise apps that are 30 years old, because that’s a significant amount of what keeps them in business. Patching actual root causes would often mean changing the way things work at a fundamental level in the OS, and would break apps for a lot of their users. This could create a big problem for a lot of people.

  • The post got deleted and I was told to go to the other one. In the first one they were posting only news articles

    Ill call it garbage reddit-brain moderation. The reason for an /ask~ comm is cause your main comm is flooded with repeated questions that would stifle discussion. It’s also not a good solution to that problem, not too mention they don’t have enough users to be having that problem.

    The way you form a community is to discuss the same things over and over until a hivemind develops, it’s a good thing to have a group consensus, not that individuals can’t disagree. Now the crappy moderation is gonna cultivate a crappy subreddit vibe instead of something better.