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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2024


  • Literal strawman nonsense, look at this man go. I think you should understand that America is attempting to erode a woman’s right to vote. That’s what I’m saying. That all these people that think America should continue down the path of abandoning modern democracy should look into Americas past and understand the points in time in which it has championed for rights.

    Thats the way you use that word. You’re literally admitting you’re ESL and can’t use English as well as I can. You’ve built a massive strawman on this simple fact. Other commentors can see my point. You can’t. Sorry.

    Like I actually can’t believe you’ve built this massive of a strawman, it’s incredible. All because you don’t know the definition of a word. That’s literally all you go back to, as well. Nothing else I say matters. You just masturbate to your strawman, Mr Fin.

  • See this guy understands what I’m saying.

    To say that America is “number 1” is not what I was saying, it was that at the heart of the American governmental systems lies a true socialist foundation. That’s why it’s been hammered for so long, because it’s what should have propelled America into the 21st century.

  • It’s the tired song and dance, capital will propagandize all the same. So many little froggies that simply sat under Daddies’ Fox News broadcast while playing with their toys. No one really cares what reason anyone has — if you make Republican arguments, you’re a Republican. Wrap yourselves up in “genociiiiiide” all you want, you trash bags. Literal inhuman. Republicans at least vote consistently to destroy themselves. These fake leftists are disgusting, only exist to destroy the cause they say they support. MAGA is just plainly treasonous. Gaza-leftists are insidiously so.

  • You’re right, the phrasing is generous. I mean even 100 years ago, it’d be far more about championing white rights. If reconstruction went better… but that’s my point. I think we have differing definitions of the word “championing”. It does not mean to be the best, but rather the support for exists. And America has been pushing for these ideals. In comparison to so some other country, that isnt inundated with capitalist cowboys and slave stories — sure, nice. Even some countries that have those were able to. But still, those in America have championed for social rights, and fundamental programs exist that prove that. You just think it means “best in the world”, and after watching all the Olympics, I forgive you.