Today, I’m feeling a bit bad about myself. I’m new to cycling, and to be quite honest, I was going too recklessly and almost got myself hit by a car or two. I could absolutely learn how to check my turns better.

What are your favorite tips for learning how to cycle safely in the city?

    10 months ago

    Many have said to ride like any driver will not see you and will do the dumbest thing possible, but few gave examples, so here a couple:

    • even if your light is green, actively look that cars are not coming from directions that should be red.
    • that car that just overpassed you will probably immediately turn right, without leaving enough space. Slow down.
    • keep a couple of fingers on the brakes most of the time
    • keep your sight on that car that should yield to you at the roundabout, at least until it’s clear that it umis slowing down, or stopping for you

    An additional tip: it takes long time to build up the best route from a A to B. Look for narrow roads with less traffic, and try something different until you find the best