I’m looking to try out Linux, but I don’t want to have to re install all my games for it. I’ve got a 500 GB boot drive, and a 2tb where all my games are. I’d install Linux on a 250 GB partition of the boot drive. ty all :)

  • @dwindling7373
    6 months ago

    I was 90% sure I had that disabled for the longest time, but if your issue was consistent with my behaviour I’ll double check.

    I read the opposite opinion on Steam, as in, so many dependencies that it’s better it stays within its own clean flatpak instead of risking getting some wrong dependencies in the wild.

    Either way, I’ll let you guys know tomorrow!

    Edit: after some browsing I’m considering also working on the naming of my windows folder, specially since the path to the library includes a space. I’ll make sure also my mount is proper and that it doesn’t revert to read-only for some reason.

    Source: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/wiki/Using-a-NTFS-disk-with-Linux-and-Windows

    • @dwindling7373
      6 months ago

      For posterity. I think I made it.

      All I said stand true, mainly the flatpak needing to be properly set up, my problem apparently was that I didn’t pay enough attention to how I mounted the NTFS disk. To be fair there’s specific disclaimers about it on most pages I looked at, but my heart was elsewhere.

      Particularly my fstab had its own standard parameters coming from Gnome Disk, while it had to use the followings:

      UUID=YOURDISKUUID /pathtothemountpoint ntfs uid=yourUID,gid=yourGID,rw,user,exec,umask=000 0 0

      More specifically, I changed ntfs to auto because using ntfs the disk just… vanished :|

      Now games run properly from both linux and Windows. Savefiles are, mostly, not properly sinced nor shared, mostly because Steam Cloud Saves is a bit of a mess. The issue would be easy enough to solve with some occasional copy paste or setting up Syncthing for every single game.

      I hope this help some fellow human down the line.