I had my first serious dental operation yesterday, it was a devitalization, they needed to kill one of my teeth because it got infected. I was scared af before goijng there (you know, I was, until yesterday, very phobic of the dentist) I sat, they anesthesized half my mouth and proceeded with the operation. It lasted two almost uninterrupted hours, they put some kind of hooks, syringes and other stuff inside my tooth (and obviously they used the Drill) then they closed it all with some kind of molten wax. God, Allah, historic materialism or whoever rules this world bless whoever invented anesthesia, I can’t even imagine how much it would have hurt without it.

  • @lxvi@lemmygrad.ml
    81 year ago

    When I was going through boot camp they put a rag over my face, broke my wisdom teeth into little pieces and scrapped them out piece by piece. They drilled a hole in my tooth just for practice and threatened to mast me if I complained. They are evil and should be struck on sight.