There was never any alt. You got bamboozled.

No, I’m joking of course. My question is: do you want to keep the hunt going, or has everyone had their fill?

After all, what is important is what was left unsaid, and so it’s important to have it said. I’m guilty of that too sometimes.

Reply now or face the consequences!

  • ☭CommieWolf☆
    111 year ago

    So far nobody seems to have really made any guesses, which indicates that it might be too hard at the moment. The only account that seems to get any attention is Synthetic Stardust which I have a suspicion is a deliberate red herring.

          • ☭CommieWolf☆
            51 year ago

            Ah no worries, a red herring just means something that seems like a convincing clue or an answer to a problem, but is in fact just a deliberate distraction.

      • ☭CommieWolf☆
        51 year ago

        It could easily just be someone else who’s in the prolewiki server who’s trying to throw us off, not conclusive in the slightest. Also do we know whether the message in the server or the post on Lemmygrad came first?

        • of course, it’s not proof either way, hence my choice of words 😐
          Gopnik_Award’s comment was posted less than an hour after Synthetic Stardust’s, but it depends on what 13:00 (time of CR8’s message) is in the former’s time zone; if CR8’s was first, it depends on whether Synthetic Stardust is in the ProleWiki Discord server