French prosecutors on Friday ordered far-right figurehead Marine Le Pen to stand trial over claims she used EU funds to finance party activities in France.

  • Dieguito 🦝
    7 months ago

    Trial doesn’t mean condemnation, so this may be a tempest in a glass of water.

    EDIT: I come from Italy and I see things like this every day in the news, trials either end with absolution or last so long the crime is prescribed. rich people can afford good lawyers, and (most importantly) politicians are either immune or don’t resign when under investigation.

    • Riddick3001OP
      7 months ago

      “rich people can afford good lawyers, and (most importantly) politicians are either immune or don’t resign when under investigation.”

      True, seems company CEOs resign faster and for less, than some politicians nowadays. I have also seen similar situations in the Netherlands with some politicians. Not saying that being under investigation means you have been found guilty or are guilty. These are three different things.

      “Being in the right and getting (judicial) Justice are two different things”, said a lawyer once.