I searched up “Lemmy” on the PlayStore and noticed that Reddit appears right before the last lemmy client in that search X3 do u guys know if there r any other lemmy clients worth trying? I randomly felt like trying all I could find and for now I’ll stay on Jerboa and the Web UI but I use Voyager too now, mainly for DMs

Edit: I apparently wasn’t clear enough but I was asking for OTHER clients that aren’t on this list X3 but feel free to share why u use an app in this list if u want anyway :3

  • Dieguito 🦝
    24 months ago

    Hi and thanks for trying it out! I have been working on content font sizes (there were some rendering problems I realized) but I’m curious about having different dimensions for different parts of the content (currently there are two options, one for the menus/buttons of the app, the other for posts and comments). What more fine-grained control do you think would be useful?

      • Dieguito 🦝
        24 months ago

        Seems legit! Thanks for answering so quickly I can definitely work on it! let’s see if in future releases it improves. ty! 🙏

      • Dieguito 🦝
        14 months ago

        Done here, this week’s development release will contain the new feature! Thanks again for the report.