Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home. Ho ho ho. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!

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Short reading list for new MLs here. To find theory, try z-lib, libgen, or Sci-Hub (for scientific articles). If an article is unavailable, try the Wayback Machine.

    • @lil_tank@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      True, but unfortunately it’s because it’s the other way around. Living in a heavily saturated mass-media society, the proletariat tend to bless media figures with their trust and base their worldview on theirs. They don’t represent the workers because they are the ones deciding what the workers think. It is very hard to escape this. This is why I think that the prime contradiction in the West is colonialism, because as long as unequal exchange bribes the workers they won’t stop drinking the media kool aid