It is a known fact that whole Eastern Europe needs to be denazified, but here is literally hell. Recently when Peskov said that Russia will keep an eye on what Serbia is doing because of Vučić and all, so many North Atlantic Terrorist supporters in comments came foaming at mouth and screeching for Russia to ‘‘leave Serbia alone’’, that Serbia ‘‘should become USA puppet state even after bombing since Japan did the same without problem’’, that Russia should leave Serbia and continue ‘‘it’s way of bolshevism’’, that they will fight Russia if it tries to ‘‘occupy Serbia’’ and WHAT THE FUCK!!

Fascism is basically the norm in Serbia and Croatia especially, nazi collaborator monuments everywhere along with propaganda from church, in Republika Srpska they literally built monuments of nazi collaborator butchers who slaughtered babies, kids and elderly next to the place where it happened!!! I don’t even have to explain Croatia and Slovenia with Jasenovac and Bleiburg. Open racism everywhere towards Roma and migrants, screeching like gooses at LGBT parades while fascists are occupying us, constant shoving of religion down everyone’s throats, not shutting the fuck up about monarchism, China bad etc etc.

I literally can’t live with those depraved people in the same country anymore, I’m just glad Russia is aware of what’s happening and what psychos live here. And I’m hoping that Balkan’s turn comes as soon as possible.