It is a known fact that whole Eastern Europe needs to be denazified, but here is literally hell. Recently when Peskov said that Russia will keep an eye on what Serbia is doing because of Vučić and all, so many North Atlantic Terrorist supporters in comments came foaming at mouth and screeching for Russia to ‘‘leave Serbia alone’’, that Serbia ‘‘should become USA puppet state even after bombing since Japan did the same without problem’’, that Russia should leave Serbia and continue ‘‘it’s way of bolshevism’’, that they will fight Russia if it tries to ‘‘occupy Serbia’’ and WHAT THE FUCK!!

Fascism is basically the norm in Serbia and Croatia especially, nazi collaborator monuments everywhere along with propaganda from church, in Republika Srpska they literally built monuments of nazi collaborator butchers who slaughtered babies, kids and elderly next to the place where it happened!!! I don’t even have to explain Croatia and Slovenia with Jasenovac and Bleiburg. Open racism everywhere towards Roma and migrants, screeching like gooses at LGBT parades while fascists are occupying us, constant shoving of religion down everyone’s throats, not shutting the fuck up about monarchism, China bad etc etc.

I literally can’t live with those depraved people in the same country anymore, I’m just glad Russia is aware of what’s happening and what psychos live here. And I’m hoping that Balkan’s turn comes as soon as possible.

    21 year ago

    I’ll be honest, i see much more revolutionary potential in the US than i do in Europe. American workers just need to overcome the toxic individualism and American exceptionalism that they have been indoctrinated with. European people have a superiority complex that goes much, MUCH deeper than that and it’s across the board, not just a middle class and above thing, it penetrates through all strata of society with perhaps the exception of some of the immigrants who came from outside of Europe, and lo and behold they are among the first targets of European fascists. But unlike the black community in the US they are a much smaller percentage of the population and with a much more fractured group identity.

      11 year ago

      Ugh I go back on forth between hope and doomerism here. We’re definitely in a period of increasing revolutionary consciousness in the US. I think the next big test is the US state attempting war with China. How successful the left is at coming together to oppose that will better illuminate the state of consciousness here.

        1 year ago

        I agree. But when i look at Europe (and i do so from the inside since i have lived here all my life, first in eastern and then in western Europe) i see virtually none of the same kind of growth in revolutionary consciousness that is beginning to appear in the US. If anything Europe is actively regressing and becoming more entrenched in liberalism and its twin on the other side of the coin, fascism. The sole exception to this trend perhaps has been France with its Yellow Vests movement which has now matured into the present protests against Macron. I see no such activity or even consciousness anywhere else. Greece had a brief moment with Syriza where it looked like it may be rising up against the neoliberal order, but it was brutally and swiftly crushed and its ostensibly left wing government ended up completely capitulating and being co-opted back into the broader Euroleft. Since then the southern European populations have appeared to me thoroughly demoralized and resigned to the reality of the EU slowly squeezing the life out of them, and because they feel powerless to do anything against this they turn their anger instead on migrants/refugees.

        The situation is even more bleak in the most developed core of Europe, in Germany, the Benelux and the Scandinavian countries where there is virtually zero class consciousness at this point and the vast majority of people has adopted a socdem/petty bourgeois attitude that just wants to keep things the way they are and increasingly reacts with violent hostility toward any perceived encroachment on their way of life by immigrants and with a ramping up of militarism to the international situation that is rapidly changing and rejecting the Eurocentric post-war order.

        Europeans are by and large extremely parochial and concerned solely with isolating themselves into their local communities which they want to keep in a museum-like condition - these are Borrel’s “gardens” that keep out the “jungle” - while wanting to know virtually nothing about the rest of the world except for what their highly controlled media tells them. This is why they are unable to see that what the US is currently doing, drawing them into its great power conflicts and deindustrializing them, is ruining their economic future.