Project Drawdown has characterized a set of 93 technologies and practices that together can reduce concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It’s a gigantic project with a lot of data and analyses.

In the linked video, the author goes through the measures to find which one is the most cost effective in terms of ratio of rCO2 reduction and economic cost

The maybe surprising result is that building bike infrastructure to shift a not even big percentage of travels from cars to bicycles or ebikes, is very cheap and has a huge effect on emissions.

The premise is that all solutions should be implemented to have a significant effect, but some are easier done than other.

  • lgspOP
    5 months ago

    According to the video, bike infra, on its own, looking only up to 2050, is already economically positive (the return is higher than upfront building construction), because of the money saved on car infra that needs lots of mainteinance.

    If you include social and health benefits it becomes even much better.

    I guess that carbon princing is already considered as a separate climate crisis solution in the project drawdown set.