Lega is far a far right populist Italian party.

Its leader (the guy in the billboard), Salvini, is, at this time, Italian minister of transportation. He is doing all sort of things to limit active and suistansble mobility, speed traps, 30 km/zones and pedonalizations.

Now, the billboard for the European election campaign.

It reads: "to protect the homes and cars of the Italians "

He is not even protecting the drivers, just the cars 😢

Another interesting billboard (also by Lega) used for some recent local election is the following:

Which reads “let’s save our cars from European eco-absurdities”

  • Dieguito 🦝
    102 months ago

    Other posters from the same party with the slogan “Let us change Europe before Europe changes us”:

    “Muslim woman”

    Evil Ursula

    There is another one with a person eating a cricket 🦗 against new food regulations but can’t find it rn.

      • Dieguito 🦝
        42 months ago

        Considering the ageing population and the abstention rate among younger generations, the far right is going to rule for a couple of decades.

      • Dieguito 🦝
        32 months ago

        If I were a foreigner, I would boycott everything that comes from this cursed land.