Throughout the entirety of the date, everything was reciprocated. There was, uncommon for me, even unprompted active flirtation from the person in question when the present conversation was not necessarily flirtatious - random sweet things.

It lasted over four hours. We talked about our intentions, our interests, our passions, our traumas. There were two hour+ phone calls prior to the date that contained much of the same personal conversation.

They asked me to kiss them, prompted only by the vibe of sitting on a park bench by a river surrounded by geese enveloped in the reflections of the sun on the ripples of said river. This has never happened to me before, I have always been the instigator - always the asker, never the asked - it was not considered a masculine or attractive trait during my childhood to be asked. I obliged. We kissed quite a few more times the rest of the night, by my initiative and theirs.

They complimented parts of myself that I hate, or at least find hard to love - my nose, my freckles, my hair. They made me feel both seen and beautiful and I did my best to reciprocate. I have not felt this way in years, I can’t remember the last time I felt this way. It is only a first date, I know this. I know this. For like 50% of the date we were laughing and planning our second date, a potential third. We had talked about how things may change the more comfortable we became with one another, like hanging out at each others’ houses. They talked about getting me a birthday present.

Date ends. Get home. We text about how wonderful the date was, when our schedules would align well next - the sooner the better. Two hours since the last message was sent, I see:


Hey I’m so sorry but I’ve been thinking and I’m just not interested. Good luck tho!

I am taken aback but I think, ok, sometimes these things happen. Rejection would be one thing. I wrote a message saying it was totally ok but I just wanted to know if it was possible to remain friends, and if they were comfortable telling me if I did anything wrong or could have done something better, but they had already blocked me on everything. I just don’t understand. I’m starting to feel like something is seriously fucking wrong with me.

We had shows we agreed to watch together, games we agreed to play, and music we agreed to share. All gone in an instant without any recourse or explanation.

Am I acting entitled? Is this an extreme reaction to something trivial? I’ve been crying for a while. I’ve always considered myself an open book but I shared deeply personal things with this person. The connection was instant and nigh tangible.

I just wanted someone or some people to talk to. Most of my friends won’t care. I’m living out of a hotel for now. I returned to this horrible, disgusting room with a smile on my face. I was ready to get some rest and do what needed to be done tomorrow with that same smile. Now it’s 2am and I just lie here staring at the ceiling through soaked eyes tuning out the hotel cable until infomercials become little more than meaningless gibberish.

I’m trying to get better. I feel so fucking alone. They probably had a good reason for ending it so abruptly. Maybe they were scared of retaliation because I’m a man. I just wish I could know why. Is this type of hurt so fucking typical for “casual” dating? I am so drained, it’s a fucked up thing to say but I wonder about chemical castration sometimes. Is there something similar for “romantic attraction”, too? Because if this is at all typical, I’m ok. Count me out. I’m an adult and I still feel like a scared little kid.

  • It was the first date for OP. There can be women you mention, and they are the ones that do not want to play around. But a lot of women in the dating space do like to play around, either for night outs, free meals, socialising, or whatever reason.

    You need not follow the word of nutjobs and cultists to follow conservative/moderate advice on masculinity. Kevin Samuels is a good one, he died recently. I just think they have a good hold of traditionalism, and a lot of those elements hold a lot of value that allows countering a lot of “Western feminism” elements I do not agree with.

    • DankZedong
      1 year ago

      But a lot of women in the dating space do like to play around, either for night outs, free meals, socialising, or whatever reason.

      Sounds like they are not there with the goal of getting into a relationship, but rather to freeload on whatever man they take out for diner. Why would you want to join their game if a relationship is what you are seeking? Sounds to me like you would just play a game just to play the game, and then you should evaluate your own goals. If the person you are on a date with is only playing games with you, you should keep the respect to yourself and not continue dating. Someone who can’t treat you as an equal with the respect you both deserve is not worth having a relationship with, nor should you disrespect someone just because you heard some masculinity guru say it.

      If a traditional relationship is what you want, by all means do that, and fit in that role. But it does not sound like OP wants that kind of relationship, nor is he needy for expressing his feelings towards a potential partner.

    • ☭CommieWolf☆
      71 year ago

      Real fucking shame that one of the few comrades from the subcontinent we have on here is a misogynistic weirdo. I hope you either change your ways before you end up ruining a poor girl’s life.

        • ☭CommieWolf☆
          11 year ago

          Its reactionary and lib to think you shouldn’t judge all women as being the same?? You will ruin the lives of any woman you enter a relationship with if you treat her with the mindset that she’s incapable of having her own preferences and ideas, instead of as a human being you see them as prizes to be won over.

          • I do not have such a narrow tunnel vision mindset. I have healthier and diverse ideas than that. I made a thread putting myself out there, check it out.

      1 year ago

      what the hell? this is disappointing to see, as i respect your efforts in countering western tech bro bullshit on reddit, and and was surprised to see you here and find out you’re a comrade.

      and a lot of those elements hold a lot of value that allows countering a lot of “Western feminism” elements I do not agree with.

      what elements exactly? there’s definitely lots of criticisms to be said of liberal feminism, but it sounds like you have other things in mind.