I keep pressing this button with my mouth, because I find it satisfying. But every time I do, the music I’m listening to unsurprisingly stops.

So I came to ask if there’s a way to turn this function off, I rarely use it anyway.

btw, i listen to my music using vlc media player on android, but somethimes i use spotify too.

  • @brokenlcd
    1323 days ago

    You may be able to use key mapper to remap the heaphone key to a null action; but i’m not sure if it’s possible, and even if it does the app warns that bindings only work while the screen is on due to android limitations.

    • The Soca Vault
      723 days ago

      Key Mapper a few Android versions ago would have been the solution, but in 14, they definitely scaled back what you can do. It almost like they are becoming apple. Lol