You heard #Adobe. Deep down you knew this was coming. Now all your art are belong to them. Time to move on to better things…

Kreative Suite
* Krita is your new design/painting app
* Kdenlive will give you video-editing powers
* glaxnimate adds 2D vector animations to you videos
* digiKam organises your collection images
* Inkscape - create sophisticated vector-graphic designs
* Scribus - layout like a pro
* GIMP - need we say more
* Blender - ditto

    • Felix 🐊
      10 months ago

      @kilgore_trout my shortlist from what I remember:

      - E for “eraser mode” is… Weird? I had never encountered it before Krita and I know some people celebrate it, but the idea that I can’t have a separately configured eraser out of the box saps control from my hotkeys. Every other program I’ve seriously used switched to a dedicated eraser brush that had its own settings. I like my erasers different sizes depending on what I’m doing, but having to change the size of the eraser every time takes waaaaay too much time. I found a way to switch this off but it required a third party script, which boggles my mind that it’s not the program’s default behavior.
      - clipping layers. SAI and CSP have this as a simple button you click on the layer panel. From what I remember in Krita they functioned much differently and weren’t as convenient. Last I heard someone was working on this so hopefully sane clipping layers are coming!
      - default keybinds for marquee and transform are different iirc. I remember having trouble moving selections compared to SAI, CSP, PS, something about needing to select the specific move tool which just takes extra time. Searched on an online forum for this feature and fell upon a thread of people calling someone stupid for wanting this to be streamlined… yikes.
      - spent a long time trying to adjust how aggressive zooming with the scroll wheel/tablet scroll bar was but couldn’t find out how, figured it couldn’t be done with finer increments.

      • Felix 🐊
        10 months ago

        @kilgore_trout to clarify, the script that fixed the eraser mode thing allowed me to assign brushes to hotkeys–something SAI and CSP allow for by default. Once again, was crazy to me that Krita didn’t have this functionality by default. I *want* to like it! I don’t want to rely on proprietary stuff any longer, but QoL needs some more tlc.

        Edit: Also, no dockable UI for brush configs, so you have to open up an entire separate window just to modify brush settings. SAI and CSP have this on lock with CSP doing this much better by allowing brush designers to only expose sliders and stuff that they think are necessary for the user to interact with, but SAI’s ability to change blending, flow/density, and toggle pen pressure on the fly is so good.