Do you know how much your government spends on helping private companies, instead?
How does one use flashcards?
Apparently at least 90 people did.
K9-Mail to this day doesnt display notifications for me
Try to disable battery optimisation
Servo is now an active project managed by the Linux Foundation.
Sì è bruttissimo da vedere. Però finché è permesso di acquistare un’auto a persona, se non più di una, e nemmeno con restrizioni sulle dimensioni, da qualche parte dovranno pure sostare queste auto.
Administration has restricted car access to Zona B, which was not liked by everyone, and I guess now is trying to appease everyone.
It’s not against ToS. Curation lists discriminate no one.
They are legitimate reviews.
Their cause being… recommending against buying some games?
You start from a false premise. The reason for curators on Steam is that recommendations pro/against a game appear on the game’s store page.
It allows you to avoid stuff that someone already played and knows you won’t like.
Steam Curators curate recommendation lists that users can subscribe to based on what they like / don’t like.
If I already don’t want to hear anything about LGBT, then I will follow curators like this. It’s not the other way around.
It is. Both SerenityOS and Ladybird are courageous projects, easy target for this drama.
As a fork of Redis there is Valkey, maintained by the Linux Foundation and licensed under BSD-3-clause.
Yes, sink a valuable Free software because they won’t accept something you and I believe in.
It’s incredibly selfish and stupid.
The need to save 0.2 seconds by asking your phone where Georgia is, instead of reading Wikipedia headline by yourself.
Hundeds of thousands of people.
Servo is going to fill that void
No, it wouldn’t stand in court.
Blocking ads is technically allowed by law, including copyright law in most countries I am aware of, while it’s against Youtube’s ToS.