Is he actually the fraud that he’s been made to be? With all the red scare-esque balderdash that’s being thrown around, i really can’t make anything out.

    1 month ago

    When the Soviet archives were opened to the public he was one of many who delved I to it, but one of the very few that actually reported the findings because everything they found dispelled all of the western talking points. Most were in it for the money of selling a narrative. When the archives proved fruitless to them they went back to their typical bullshit smear campaigns. Furr was one of the few who’s only desire was to the truth. He makes no money off any of his books. All the funds from the go to the publisher so they can keep printing them. So if he is this big “fraud” that the libs cry about… What is his motivation? What’s he getting out of it other than ridicule from the main stream narratives? He’s not getting wealth, or fame. Hell, most leftists don’t even know who he is or have read his works. If you’ve ever taken the time to read his works, or watch lectures from him, it becomes evident he is probably a bit autistic with his obsession about combating the western lies about Stalin and the USSR. On top of all that, he repeatedly claims he isn’t actually a communist. He just wants to report the facts and evidence as truthfully as he can.