This is money that should have gone into healthcare to pay doctors and nurses more, to hire more doctors and nurses, to open more spots in medical and nursing schools to train more doctors, or into education to increase teacher pay or the number of teachers or the condition of it schools. How about to pay for bussing so our buses aren’t cancelled 1 or 2 days a week because of a lack of drivers willing to drive or kids for poverty wages?

This is a very expensive political stunt. He’s throwing you a few bucks so that you will ignore the billions of dollars of graft his government is committing.

It’s bullshit.

If every person in Kemptville Ontario signed over their cheque to the local hospital it would be able to buy the CT machine it’s been fundraising for, a CT machine the government should be paying for in the first place

I pledge to say fuck you to Doug Ford and his stupid political stunt and to sign poverty my $200 cheque to KDH the day it arrives to help pay for the CT machine my taxes should have already paid for.

Please consider doing the same. Sign over your cheque, your hard earned tax dollars, to a local school or hospital. That’s where this money should have gone anyway.

    2 days ago

    He’s throwing you a few bucks so that you will ignore the billions of dollars of graft his government is committing.

    It’s amazing how little people need to be bribed to ignore serious offenses. Recently, TD bank got hit with a massive $3 billion fine for money laundering. They admitted to aiding in laundering $670 million from likely criminal sources. What’s more is that bank staff were paid a total of $57,000 in gift cards to not report the large undisclosed payments and transfers. Fraud likely in the billions being ignored by bribes in the ten thousands.

      1 day ago

      Not to defend TD in any way, but those staff members know that reporting the crime will get them at best nothing and at worst fired. Taking the bribe gets them 28500 Tim Hortons coffees.