Lib channel that Hakim ripped into not so long ago, now they’re starting to doubt themselves, lol.

    2 years ago

    The putsch attempt - a failed storm on the German parliament on 29 August 2020 - was orchestrated by the Reichsbürger, a group of far-right conspirators who think the Federal Republic of Germany is a corporation established by the Allied Powers in 1945, and that the “real” Germany is still an empire with a monarch. Although they are a small group with no political representation or organisation, they have supporters inside the military so they are an actual danger.

    In comparison to the Capitol insurrection on 6 January 2021, where there were about 120 000 Trumpists marching on Washington DC with over 10 000 of them storming the Capitol grounds, there were about 40 000 Reichsbürger, nationalists, and other right-extremists marching on Berlin and between 500 and 1000 of them breaking the first police barrier. However, the Reichstag is a smaller building than the US capitol because it only contains the lower house, and likely a smaller force would have been able to breach it.