I’ve lived in a big city for years now. Never seen anybody get mugged, or shot, or carjacked, despite doing activist work that often has me visiting poor minority neighborhoods.

The only time I ever really felt uneasy was when I had to walk alone at night through a neighborhood where all the businesses had bars on the windows. Worst thing that happened was a couple of people asking me for money, and they didn’t give me any shit when I said I didn’t carry cash.

But any time I visit the small town where I grew up there’s always someone or another acting like I came back from a fucking warzone lmao

  • Zezzy [she/her]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    In my experience cities are way more dangerous because of dumbest car drivers constantly running red lights and almost hitting pedestrians. It felt terrible walking everywhere and trying to dodge cars, and I avoided riding a bicycle there as they frequently put bike lanes between car lanes and I had other bikers warn me about them having highest bicycle fatality rates in the country that year.

    Cities where I live are just a scheme to get as many poor people ran over by giant confederate-flag waving trucks as possible