• Buelldozer@lemmy.today
    4 months ago

    My main grip with wanting to ban tik tok was that it was a transparent attempt to keep a monopoly on propaganda. Tik tok is used by China in exactly the same way Twitter and Facebook are used.

    I think it’s fair to say that TT is being used for political propaganda, particularly propaganda that benefits China and now apparently Russia. It’s clear now that US efforts to repress TT were for the exact reason they said it was, to prevent TT as a platform from unduly influencing elections.

    Your second sentence is an interesting one though, given that most people who were against the US taking action against TT refused to admit that TT was or even could be used as a propaganda outlet to influence policy, politics, and elections.

    We need comprehensive laws against all forms of social media manipulation

    I completely agree and FB and Twitter should not be exempted from them.