
Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer highlighted Biden-appointed judges’ crucial role in safeguarding Biden’s legacy and opposing Trump’s agenda after the Republican “trifecta” victory.

Schumer highlighted Biden’s appointment of 235 federal judges, surpassing Trump’s first-term total, as part of a strategy to counterbalance the conservative judiciary built during Trump’s presidency.

He warned that Trump’s allies would use the courts to challenge Biden’s legislative achievements and advance a “MAGA” agenda targeting women’s rights, the environment, unions, and consumers.

The judiciary, Schumer stated, remains Democrats’ strongest defense.

    2 months ago

    They’ll be about as useful as Schumer.

    If you intend to resist Trump’s misrule, don’t put your hopes in the Democratic Party. They’re not there to deliver change, they’re there to prevent progressives from holding power.