It’s been shown that cutting disability benefits will move hardly anyone into work - it will just result in the disabled being unable to afford what they need.

Studies show that over half of disabled people in the UK already go without essentials, as they can’t afford them on the pittance they’re paid. Yet the government threatens to cut the disability benefit by half to save money. And make it more difficult than it already is to claim benefits. Now of course this will result in suicides and death by starvation and exposure, which the government doesn’t care about. But it will also lead to increased crime - shoplifting, dealing in drugs/stolen goods/black market stuff, etc, just to survive. Such a stupid and short sighted policy.

Make no mistake - this isn’t really about saving money, it’s purely ideological. They don’t want to pay for useless eaters to live, plain and simple.

    1 month ago

    At one point you have to realize our society has this urge created by the richest fuckfaces on the planets where if you aren’t working you’re useless or lazy and deserve nothing. The irony is these rich fuckfaces are in the same league as these “lazy” people where they do nothing but hoard money generated by exploited people.

    • hogslayer [he/him]
      1 month ago

      At one point you have to realize our society has this urge created by the richest fuckfaces on the planets where if you aren’t working you’re useless or lazy and deserve nothing.

      They spend billions of dollars every year to convince us of this.