• Marxism-FennekinismOP
    81 year ago

    Comments are pleasantly based for once:

    “Bankrupt” for rich people is a very different from “bankrupt” for poor people. I used to work at a private school. Some entitled brat was crying that her father went bankrupt, yet she still had a family chauffeur to drive her from home to school and back again.

    Can you imagine an actual mom and pop business making these demands in court? Threatening to not show up for work? The absolute temerity

    Man, if $10,000 a week is broke, I am a level of poor that has yet to be discovered by economic science.

    This whole liability vs bankruptcy loophole thing still breaks my brain, no matter how many times it’s explained to me. It seems like the laws are set up deliberately to ensure that damages never have to be paid and the defendant never suffers any consequences. The court case and the awarding of damages is purely symbolic.

    That foreshadowed bankruptcy loophole is so obvious and egregious I really hope the congresspeople who approved it are being looked into regarding their own shell companies.

    It’s like a bank robber saying he should not be sent to prison because it would spoil his ability to generate income.

    What I want to know is why isn’t all these shady dealings and shell companies and obvious lying to his donors considered to be outright fraud that could land him in jail?

    There’s something seriously wrong with the justice system if he manages to get away with all this.

    Im going to predict that when this all fall’s through, the Jones estate will start bringing up all the new mental health struggles that should make them exempt from all these rulings.

    “He doesn’t know what he’s saying. He legitimately thinks the jury are a bunch of goblins”

    I feel like destroying his public persona would probably be fine to the parents he called liars for saying their children were murdered