I drank crown and coke as my main drink for like 18 years… I’ve learned a few things along the way. First, it’s better to use caffeine free coke. Second, Canadian Mist is 95% as good for 50% of the price. Third, a small squirt of lime is an improvement.
Also, I 100% agree on Crown vs. Jack; however Crown vs. Buffalo Trace is a different story.
As an American I can confirm that crown royal and coke is superior than jack and coke.
I drank crown and coke as my main drink for like 18 years… I’ve learned a few things along the way. First, it’s better to use caffeine free coke. Second, Canadian Mist is 95% as good for 50% of the price. Third, a small squirt of lime is an improvement.
Also, I 100% agree on Crown vs. Jack; however Crown vs. Buffalo Trace is a different story.