Nonsense. We fixed everything by abstaining in the election. Kamala realised she needs the support of the left in order to win, and adopted a socialist platform while moving to impeach Trump.
not every single person of the ~90 million who didn’t vote “abstained” based on some high horse principles. you obviously understand that.
political news addicted leftists are a miniscule percent of that 90M which means at most a couple hundred thousand leftists might have “protest voted”.
why be angry (and still keep bringing up) the actions of that subset, when you could direct your anger at actual racists and bigots that voted Trump?
i understand that it’s more sneeringly smugly self satisfying to scold the former group, but you have way more in common with that subset than with the latter, who actually deserves the most scorn/ridicule. why attack potential allies when a mutual enemy is at the gates?
we need to move on already. the Dems lost, we’re all in this together now. for clarification, I have voted for the Dem candidate in every single presidential election since I was 18.
Oh don’t worry, Trump is breaking this cycle. This time, no recovery will be possible and no democratic president will be elected.
Nonsense. We fixed everything by abstaining in the election. Kamala realised she needs the support of the left in order to win, and adopted a socialist platform while moving to impeach Trump.
not every single person of the ~90 million who didn’t vote “abstained” based on some high horse principles. you obviously understand that.
political news addicted leftists are a miniscule percent of that 90M which means at most a couple hundred thousand leftists might have “protest voted”.
why be angry (and still keep bringing up) the actions of that subset, when you could direct your anger at actual racists and bigots that voted Trump?
i understand that it’s more sneeringly smugly self satisfying to scold the former group, but you have way more in common with that subset than with the latter, who actually deserves the most scorn/ridicule. why attack potential allies when a mutual enemy is at the gates?
we need to move on already. the Dems lost, we’re all in this together now. for clarification, I have voted for the Dem candidate in every single presidential election since I was 18.
Bonus points that Demo(n)crats may even cease to exist entirely (Trump says his win gives ‘mandate’ for ‘far reaching investigation’ into Democrats).
Only if we let it happen.