There has been a steady trickle of new users here today, and in the past little while, mostly due to the bad decisions that reddit is currently making.
Anyways, welcome! Feel free to look around, and if you have any questions about anything lemmy related, feel free to ask!
Also, if you feel up to it, introduce yourself in the comments below!
edit: Here’s a nice getting started guide for lemmy:
i should have added it here a while ago!
Okay this federated stuff is really growing on me.
The idea that you can sign up on any server, and still have a feed from many different servers is pretty cool.
It’s like email but Reddit style
That makes way more sense!
The only roadblock I see is how difficult it is to follow communities outside your main instance. It would be nice if there was a log-in-as option so you can easily subscribe if you come across a page that isn’t a part of your instance. Right now you have to either search it on your main, or copy the url over (which I’ve seen doesn’t work all the time, but could be because of server load.)
Mastodon makes it easy to follow someone on a different instance, so I expect it’s only a matter of time that Lemmy adds that functionality (especially now with the influx of new users)
It’s easy with Mlem on iOS
Yeah I find it a bit annoying, maybe a browser extension which adds a link to “view in home instance” is the way to go in the meantime. Seems like it would be really easy to do. 🤔
Yeah, I read that before, but I didn’t really understand what that meant.
Email is federated as well. You sign up to a server (ex., then you use and interact only with, but you can then tell gmail to send an email to another server such as outlook, and it’s the same for their users.
Difference being the content is public here, whereas email isn’t, and Lemmy also uses ActivityPub which is a standard to forward messages between servers.
Yeah I’ve been looking at the w3 spec. It’s interesting. I think there isn’t yet a good explainer page for newbies.
Yeah I have to remember to look at the spec. Some of the things seem kinda odd to me, currently there’s an issue on Lemmy about upvotes, and how the instance the post is on forwards every upvote to every server with over one user joined to the community, which with maybe 100 servers, 1,500 upvotes, it can get to be a lot of requests.
Mastodon gets around this by not federating likes, currently in the issue they’re discussing sending the upvotes in chunks (ex. #upvotes in past hour)
Seems like there’s still some work to do on the backend of Lemmy, but I have faith it’ll get figured out soon.
My first post, and hopefully the picture i attached works. This is Loki, my 27 year old macaw, one of 2 rainbow chickens i have
This here’s my birds
so friggin cute! i miss having chickens. no more free breakfast!
Lol this Mlem app is sweet but I can’t see your photo, it just shows up as large but I can’t scroll along it.
Hello from the forests of Quebec. I’m a huge fan of decentralization and open source tools. I will be hanging around here and watching reddit implode from afar. I was one of the digg exodus crowd, so I know that there is no way I can live without a link aggregator and discussion platform, lemmy seems like an instant win to me!
Hey fellow (mostly) Canadians! Reddit Refugee of 13 years, this is my first Lemmy experience. I originally made a account, but moved here as I felt more comfortable having the server hosted in Canada for data integrity/security.
Seems like a neat place, the distributed/“federated” stuff was a bit confusing at first, but seems neat. I guess we’ll see how big the migration from Reddit to here is.
Hello from Canada’s best and most important and relevant province!
I left MB 10 years ago for Sask! I miss the lakes and trees but we have a nice little home here. It’s also cool that people who live in the cities here aren’t scared to leave them!
I’m a recent transplant from BC, don’t know if I’m allowed to call myself a Manitoban yet, but I do feel at home :)
Hello fellow humans. I’m actually from a different CA, California. But I’m a believer that you should choose an instance based upon the administration not on topic, and this one feels much more in line with my sensibilities than the other large ones. Sorry to stereotype, but the conversations feel kinder here than elsewhere (even by the already nice standards of lemmy instances overall.)
I don’t much like sharing personal type information online, so I hope you’ll forgive my brevity. I don’t work in tech, but have had a lifelong interest in it so I feel right at home here at the ground floor of a new community.
Hey! New Ontarian user here. I’m jumping ship from Reddit before my favorite app loses API access. It’s a real shame Reddit went that route.
I’m a software developer by day. I love gaming, sci-fi/fantasy paper/audio books, metal and electronic music.
I hope Reddit suffers a serious exodus. Maybe the secret to ending the cycle of shitty corporate social media is to help with the open source federated approach?
Hi, I’m a programmer living in beautiful rural New Brunswick. I guess you can say I’m part of the Reddit exodus, but still unsure if I’ll leave that platform for good. Hoping for a much better experience and interactions here. Have an awesome day, everyone!
Hello from Canada’s Pants!
I’m a reddit refugee. I signed up at Beehow first, but after looking around, saw some of you fine folks from here showing up over there. Beehow seems nice, but even though I have no connection to it, I have always had an affinity for Canada, so I looked around over here and decided to make this my home. :) Although I’m thinking of setting up my own instance, too.
One of the reasons I thought I might be happier over here is that while Beehaw seems pretty neutral, my politics are not, so I figure in the long run, I probably share more in common with folks here than there.
I was on reddit since 2009 when I had my 15 minutes of fame and folks there invited me to do an AMA. I was a default mod for a while. I deleted /u/daychilde trying to escape reddit. Failed, went back, moderated some more. Left again, went back. I only mod my local city’s subreddit now, and basically I’m done with reddit. Lemmy and tildes are replacements for me, and so far I’m liking them both!
I hope you will forgive me for being American and let me hang out with you fine folks :)
Being Canadian is, like, a state of mind, eh. Welcome
Wouldn’t it be a province of mind? :)
Thanks for the warm welcome smorks! Also here from reddit, and I can already tell that this is the online community I’ve been yearning for. People connecting with each other, engaging in discussion. There’s a lot of good things that came from reddit over the years, but as I’ve read so many times in various relationship subreddits “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time” (sorry Maya Angelou).
Spez showed us what he really thinks of his userbase, and I’m proud to add reddit to the list of corporations I won’t use because they’re dicks.
Really glad to see a strong Canadian contingent here. May your timmies be hot and your beer cold 😁
Thanks for making this Canadian instance :) I first created my account on, but also made one here since I am Canadian. Looking forward to seeing Lemmy grow as a whole, and see more Canadians join the Fediverise :)
For anyone interested, I’ve made a community for posting PC hardware/accessory sales (r/bapcsalescanada). Feel free to join and contribute. And if you know how to create an RSS feed, also let me know!
there should be an icon that will give you a link to the rss feed:
Thanks for the heads up! I guess I meant using an RSS feed from somewhere else, like RFD, or the actual BAPC subreddit so it auto posts here in my community.
oh! sorry about that! i’m not currently aware of a way to post from an rss feed, and a quick search doesn’t really yield anything that looks useful. the lemmy ecosystem is still pretty new, but i’m guessing it probably wouldn’t be too hard to adapt an existing tool for mastodon or something to work with lemmy.
Thank you!
I’m a reddit refugee like many others, and was delighted to find Canada well-represented in the fediverse!
Now I’ve been exploring various communities and have a question. Many posts seem to offer a link to another instance and all the comments are local to that instance. I don’t think I can post there without opening a new account? Or am I wrong? I can comment in the post containing the link, but there is usually no activity there, so I can’t join an ongoing discussion that way.
Or at least that’s the way it appears to me. I’m confused!
If you can access the thread in another community you can post there without creating another account. That’s the main draw of this setup. Still new myself and there is some growing pains finding the other instances communities but once I am there it is working
Well, here’s an example of what I’m talking about. The post contains nothing but a link but when you follow that, it says You must log in or register to comment.
But I just noticed elsewhere it says I need to subscribe to !
So I’ve gone through the motions of doing that, but when I look at Communities -> Subscribed, it now says Subscribe Pending under
I’m going to assume that once approved, I can then comment?
What’s likely happening is that when you link through and see “You must log in or register to comment”, you aren’t accessing that post via the instance. Your account is instance-specific, but as @Aawr said, you can interact with content from other instances (unless that instance or community has rules to the contrary or has blocked your instance).
The way in which you can access that post via your “home” instance of is either:
- Use search in and find the post across “All” instances
- Access the community by prefacing it with “” to view it through your instance:
Using these, I found my way here:
My big question is why can’t we have auto-generated links to the appropriate page for communities on remote instances. It seems odd that following links to communities takes you to the host instance when you generally speaking you won’t be logged in there. Hopefully this feature will come in the future (or maybe it already exists but I haven’t found it)
That feature is actually partially implemented, but the client you’re using (web browser or mobile app) fights you a bit in interesting ways:
On web, when typing in a Lemmy community like ! the client will try to help you complete it, but it completes to a remote instance link: !
If you change the markdown for that link to point relatively, then it follows standard URL conventions and works in your current instance: ! (You can select
view source
on this comment to see how I modified this link) However, this same link will probably not work on mobile clients, as the operating system determines how to handle URLs.Thanks. I’m not sure that’s exactly what I’m imagining, because this still involves hard-coding an instance to the link. People from many different instances might be viewing the link, so I’d imagine a flow like: when you mouse-hover a link to a community, a little popup appears which provides a custom link based on your home instance. So whether ! is a link to the or domain wouldn’t matter, ideally you’d always get the option of viewing the community from your home instance at a single click. Hope that makes sense, today is my first day after all.
I totally agree. That’s the behaviour I also expected from the default “!”-prefaced community links. Unfortunately it currently doesn’t work that way, but if I have time later this week I may take another look into the source code to see if an easy fix can be done.
Wow, that worked perfectly! Thank you so much!!!
No problem! Happy to help.
Fifteen-year veteran of reddit checking in. So glad to be a part of this societal shift, and excited to see where we go from here!
If anyone else is missing an old-reddit/digg style UI on the desktop, I’ve published Rediggit for Lemmy. It’s very much a work-in-progress, but it should scratch that immediate itch for more legroom. Currently for light theme only, but more coming (and feel free to hack away and shape my mess into something even better).
nice work! if I have some free time I may work this into a custom theme (with your approval, of course).
By all means! Mine itself is based off DarkFox’s Old reddit-ish Lemmy. I hope to do a full rewrite in the coming weeks, to incorporate dark mode and make it all more robust, but wanted to share for any other ex-redditors looking for a hotfix.
Hello from Ottawa! This is my first Lemmy post. Reddit refugee.
Hello, fellow Ottawan. I too am here from Reddit as well.
Vancouver Island here. Happy to see a woodworking community getting going here already, and hoping to see a bigger rock climbing community on lemmy in the future. Thanks for hosting!