I don’t want right-wing fanatics…I don’t want leftist fanatics…I want a place where all views can be discussed with respect and civility. /r/politics was NOT that place. I hope Lemmy can avoid the echo chamber to allow respectful disagreement and discourse to occur (while not overly defending extremists on either side).

I like to believe there is much more we agree upon than disagree…and while not always the case, sometimes we need to take a moment to ensure we aren’t talking passed each other and be willing to listen to understand (even if you don’t agree in the end). It’s okay to disagree as long as you respect one another.

“If you want to be heard, first learn to listen.” - John F. Kennedy

  • spaceghoti@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    Yes, I agree. Let them prove it first. But too many “enlightened centrists” place the bar for proof so high that it’s impossible. When Democrats conceded 95% of Republicans’ demands in the 2015 budget, Republicans complained about not getting the entire 100% and centrists said “we should listen to them.”

    There comes a point where the fetish for civility goes too far. We’ve long passed that in US politics.