Hello, since yesterday I was trying to join new communities but the status is “pending”, always. No luck today. Anyone knows if it is my problem or something doesn’t work? Communities I’m trying to join are quite populated so I found it strange. Thanks

  • esty
    31 year ago

    Lemmy is still pretty early software, it says pending for me too but it acts like I’m subscribed so I’m assuming it’s a weird visual bug

    Lemmy 0.18 is coming soon and should hopefully fix some of these issues

  • @ImplyingImplications@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I believe it’s a visual bug. All the communities I’ve subscribed to show up in my subscribed list and in my subscribed feed even if Lemmy still lists it as “pending”.

  • Jakylla
    11 year ago

    Basically, all communities in lemmy.ml are marked as pending on my side, since about last week (that I’ve created my lemmy account)

    Still, I can see their new posts in my Subscribed filter; so it works even if marked as pending

    Communities on others instances I’ve tried never waited for more than a minute before subscription success

  • Its a visual problem. When you click “subscribe” your server sends a message to the other server saying “hey, d4gma subscribed to (insert community here)” and the other server replies “yep, d4gma is now subscribed” at which point the “pending would change to " subscribed”. Usually with communities on small instances this is an instant process and you never see “pending”. What is going on is your server is sending the initial message and the remote server adds you to the list, but the remote server has a backlog of federation stuff and the return message acknologing your subscription does not make it back to your server in the timeframe expected.

  • Darkwatch00
    11 year ago

    Also not on exactly the same topic but how do I unblock instances that I accidentally blocked ?

  • @da_g
    11 year ago

    Maybe it’s the volume of people migrating from reddit that is straining the servers, just a guess

  • Same thing happened to me, but only for certain communities. Some I was able to join instantly, others said pending (and still do). My guess is the pending ones require a mod to accept each user, and the mods for these just haven’t gotten around to it yet.