I repurposed the lightning element of an Ikea Solvinden lantern to fit a custom lamp shade. The lamp was created with OpenScad with a ton of customization options :D Printed with yellow Prusament PETG
I repurposed the lightning element of an Ikea Solvinden lantern to fit a custom lamp shade. The lamp was created with OpenScad with a ton of customization options :D Printed with yellow Prusament PETG
It might be interesting to make a variant with straight lines: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperboloid_structure
That would be indeed interesting - goes onto my pile of things I want to do :D Thank you!
I just printed this one 80mm tall. I need to fix the stringing:
$fn = 10; // small /* radius = 15; height = 40; thickness = 1; */ // how much can I scale this before thickness=1 fails? // this one is a bit wobbly, probably near the practical limit. radius = 15*2; height = 40*2; thickness = 1; num_lines = 12; rotation_angle = 180/num_lines*9; module draw_line(i, rotation_angle) { angle = 360 * i / num_lines; bottom_x = radius * cos(angle); bottom_y = radius * sin(angle); top_x = radius * cos(angle + rotation_angle); top_y = radius * sin(angle + rotation_angle); hull() { translate([bottom_x, bottom_y, 0]) linear_extrude(0.1) circle(d=thickness); translate([top_x, top_y, height]) sphere(d=thickness); } } for(i = [0 : num_lines - 1]) { draw_line(i, rotation_angle); draw_line(i, -rotation_angle); } linear_extrude(0.6) difference() { $fn = 50; circle(radius * 1.1); circle(radius / 1.1); }