Probably not too unpopular here.

Standing waiting for the bus in my city with decent transit and I have 2 trucks rev their engines loudly past me, another one letting just clouds of pollution, watching people driving who aren’t paying attention and several people blowing cutting last second through a light. All in just 3 minutes by a small corner with light traffic.

Made me think how cars are inherently selfish. People don’t want to be around others (the fear aspect), so they drive their own bubble around. In addition to that, some go out of their way to make their cars even worse to people outside of them.

No wonder we can’t move away from them. They are a definition of our own culture

    8 months ago

    Eh you can be upsetti all you want about cars, truth is it’s not even a significant portion of the damage we do to the planet, it’s just the most democratized one. The freedom having a transport craft allows is insane compared to even the most robust public infrastructure and yes in a perfect world that would be entirely unnecessary but we’re /so/ far off from that goal you’d be better off focusing on something that matters within the environmental class war (The rich (corps & people)) pollute and damage the ecosystem to a far greater degree than the entirety of any transport or logistics infrastructure. Just consider all the microplastic that we’ve literally littered everywhere on the entire planet. It’s in the rain. Cars did not put plastic in your rain. A single person’s choices did not do it, nor could they prevent it.

    Tldr: focus on something that matters and doesn’t negatively impact the lives and freedoms of significant amounts of people before you focus on the things that do. You’ll find mobility against the greed of a few is far easier to stir than mobility against the needs of the many.