After the dodge charger electric fake V8 engine noise, Ferrari is following
I guess that people who buy these cars have a need for emotive support and very poor self esteem, and need to bother everyone else when there is absolutely no need for it.
Fuck cars
This is pretty dumb because it’s an asswipe car to begin with but I already had the idea of EVs including an engine sound synth so make car noises so people can tell a car is coming. EVs are freakishly quiet.
I’m pretty sure that’s already a thing, at least I know GM does it and I’m fairly certain it’s for regulatory reasons.
Although imo cars are pretty loud on their own just from tires gripping pavement and air displacement.
I thought my fat bike studded snow tires were loud as fuck but people still meander into the bike lane while engrossed in the phone screen and are somehow startled when I ring the gentle bell even. I’ve noticed though that people with baby strollers do generally seem more attentive and make eye contact.
Never forget that noise pollution is one of the multitudinous problems with cars and it’s a car brained idea that cars should be forced to pollute more then they already do.
Should bikes also be forced to have sound emitting from them?
Obviously I mean within reason. When I have to drive I always feel embarrassed when I gear down and the engine revs up loudly.
Bikes are also kinda forced to have sounds in the context of biking on the streets at least. I had to get a loud ass air horn reserved for honking at drivers. Then I have two bells of differing kindness levels for pedestrians and other cyclists.
All EVs make some kind of ufo noise at low speeds as it’s required by law. So I guess it makes sense to choose a “cool” sound.
I don’t watch TV. Are there ads for downloading your car’s ringtone?