After the dodge charger electric fake V8 engine noise, Ferrari is following

I guess that people who buy these cars have a need for emotive support and very poor self esteem, and need to bother everyone else when there is absolutely no need for it.

Fuck cars

    1 year ago

    I don’t need it or support it personally, especially the really loud noises. But I don’t think it’s as simple as you say.

    A car without noise is like the acceleration version of a touchscreen. Perfectly fine and serviceable and probably works for most people. But I’m not going to automatically look down on people who prefer buttons. Having that extra feedback to tell you you’ve pushed the button, or how hard you’ve hit the accelerator, can be useful.

    That said, I’d much prefer they stick to internal speakers for such feedback. It can be useful letting others know that you’re about to haul ass, but the people who do it outside my neighborhood at 1 AM in the most obnoxious way possible can right to hell.