We’ve known for years that the owner is a lying, creepy, out of touch dipshit and that it’s a very flawed car and the company will cut costs to save money on safety items, every time.

Electric vehicles with drive assist are awesome and are the future, but there are alternatives, especially if you have money, which a lot of Tesla customers do. And they’re not particularly well built; how many of these do you think will be on the road 20 years from now? And now we’ve seen how Elaine runs their companies, why the hell would anybody put their trust in their products?

If you’ve bought a Tesla in the last five or so years, you’re a damn goober in my eyes. That’s my hot take, prepared for being called poor and other sodium, tear filled comments from fools whose opinions don’t matter. You are the hardcore, foaming at the mouth Segway fan from the 2000s, have at me lol.

Update: The teary eyed, sweaty fingered responses to this are predictably hilarious. I’ve been called a guy that eats 4 pizzas a week in another old thread because of this, a cunt, a tool, a douche, a couple people spent their energy to tell me they don’t understand me spending my energy posting this, some people are telling me something about Tesla or Elaine living in my head rent free. All genuinely pathetic responses, so GG lol. Cheers.

  • flaccid_girth@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    This. The only reason I have a tesla is the supercharger network. There is simply no argument for any other car brand if you are only considering full electric. I hate Elon as much as the next guy but that won’t change my mind about buying a car from him. I’d be a real fuckin idiot if I made financial decisions to spite a billionaire who doesn’t even know I exist and never will.

    That said, once the Ford transition to NACS is complete in 2025(?) I’ll definitely ditch Tesla. As a union worker myself I’d prefer to drive a union-built car, and as a bonus it would be nice to not have people assume I’m an Elon fan just because I drive a car made by a company he works at part-time.

    • jiml78@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Elon is a giant fucking tool. But lets not act like the other billionaires or multi multi millionaire CEOs of the other companies aren’t giant pieces of shit. They are. They are just smart enough to keep their mouth shut publicly.