New product from Fairphone! This time around the true wireless buds follow the repairability principles of Fairphone.

  • 3 year warranty
  • Repairability. Replaceable parts:
    • Earbud (Left and/or Right)
    • Earbud Battery and Silicon Ring
    • Earbud Tips
    • Charging Case Outer Shell
    • Charging Case Core
    • Charging Case Battery
  • IP54 certification
  • active noise cancelling
  • 11 mm titanium drivers
  • 6 microphone array
  • Capacitive Touch Controls
    132 months ago

    Great news, I just wish they were priced to sell millions instead of thousands…even considering their apparent decent quality and the fair salaries, that price (149€) is extortionate IMHO. For any TWS.

    Same goes for the Fairbuds XL at 249€, at the end of the day they have the same 40mm drivers found on 30-40€ headphones…for 99€ they would sell so many!(Maybe this is where I’m mostly wrong unfortunately…people don’t care) Their design is pretty cool I find, on all their products.

    Their smartphones are pricey but not so much all things considered…

    Let us not forget they removed the headphone jack for no good reasoning other than making extra cash, environment and customers be damned.

    • XNX
      82 months ago

      Im glad theyre going from premium quality/prices tbh. I want the good companies to charge enough to run sustainable businesses that continue creating amazing products.

      Look at Pine64 they make all these awesome open source computers, linux phones, etc but they charge so little that the specs are so bad people buy them and then leave them in a drawer and use a different device. Meanwhile the PlayDate is like $200 for a super simple gameboy like device but its premium quality and they make enough profit to put into good software and social experiences that make people want to use it.

    • @lgspOP
      1 month ago

      It really depends on the quality.

      Just as an example, Sony linkbuds S, which are “mid range” are priced similarly. And they are not repairable, not fair or respectful of workers…

      22 months ago

      These are made and sold at prices meant to be sustainable enough to pay workers fairly as one of fairphone’s stated missions is cleaning up the inhumanity of current production and material sourcing pipelines (an expensive and difficult task!. Most of the alternatives you’d be referring to at those lower prices are made with… Well let’s say “less fair labor” is putting it politely, especially when you source from Beijing. (

  • RBG
    82 months ago

    Cool, personally I hate anything in-ear though. Dreading the day my Samsung beans die.

    • goog [any]
      32 months ago

      Fuck in-ear. You don’t even want a Q tip in there. I’ve been babying my dermatologist related stuff for a year and I always feel amazing. No weird hearing issues ever and the fake tinnitus is gone. Be careful with in-ear.

      22 months ago

      They make over the ear cans that are just as fair and repairable if you’re interested in something that aligns better to your personal tastes but maintains the same mantra.

        2 months ago

        Only the Sony WF-1000XM3 have clips to take apart and standard swappable batteries afaik. It’s an old product though and sony makes each iteration less repairable. There are some which are glued in, but technically swappable, with risk though. There is also a model with magentic snapping batteries, which looks cool, can’t recall the brand. The weren’t available for purchase in my country.

        12 months ago

        Many samsung buds can be opened with screws. But batteries are not for sale.

  • HelloThere
    2 months ago

    Curious to see what IFixIt make of these.

    I’m still incredibly sceptical of earbuds being anything other than e-waste, but that may just be me knowing I’ll lose one immediately if they aren’t tied together.

    • @lgspOP
      1 month ago

      aptX, ldac

      these depends on the chipset they used.

      or even LC3/Opus

      There is still hope of an update in the future?:

      I have a Fairphone 4 and the software update of the camera was huge. Before it was a letdown, now it’s fine and responsive. Not perfect, but I’m satisfied. What I mean is that I now trust Fairphone team to do their best to update their stuff in the future. They are not perfect, but support is there in the medium-long term.

    42 months ago

    Fuck yeah with the replaceable battery. I got some pricey Apple earbuds and the battery life collapsed after two or three years. Ridiculous, given the price.

  • KptnAutismus
    2 months ago

    my ear(1)s are currently falling apart, so these came out just in time.

    apparently, they’re supposed to sound not bad™

    22 months ago

    Nice, been using the first “gen” of them (dunno the name, FP in-Earphones i guess)for a long time with my FP3. Surley gonna try them when the old ones are broken beyond repair.

      12 months ago

      I’ve been using some earplugs sold along an old HTC smartphone. The ones who had a keyboard. Still perfect sound and condition.

    12 months ago

    If I have one complaint, it would be that I wish they’d have gone with the name “Fair” instead of “fairphone” when they branched out into other product lines. Drop the phone. It’s cleaner.